Imo Twom Ghost

Recently I experienced supernatural things in Imo TWOM. Imo is a mobile mmorpg game made by com2us and it is very similar to maplestory except levelling up is much harder and it's not a platforming game. I was a level 20 warrior and was playing with my friend, a level 19 mage. My friend was acting as a healer for me because I was hunting at a hard place. I was at Kataru mountains, a place where level 18 to 13 could level up easily.
I was hunting magmas, weak slime-like creatures that are red, when I found a Bbinikjoe, a rare phoenix boss monster that dropped some good items. I tried to kill it but it was taking no damage from me so I thought I was too low leveled to damage it, and I summoned a ranger friend who was level 24 to kill it for me. However, Not even the ranger could kill it and all the attacks he did came out as 'block', although rangers had the highest hit rate out of all the classes. The Bbinikjoe was just standing there without taking damage, which annoyed me and caused me to summon a level 36 warrior to kill it. I half expected the Bbinikjoe to get some damage, but instead, it attacked the level 36 warrior with massive damage, dealing more than 4000 damage and killing him instantly.
The monster suddenly started talking although only a few very rare boss monsters could talk, saying unidentified things made up of symbols and numbers. I suddenly got a summon message from an unidentified person with the name 'IMOGHOST' although he was not in a party with me. I pressed accept, and I was teleported to lighthouse dungeon B5 floor, which was the second most difficult place in all of Imo. I checked my friend list to see if my friends had logged out, finding out that everyone in my friend list was deleted. I used a return scroll but it failed and instead deleted all the items that I was wearing.
I was panicking. I was a level 20 warrior without any items, walking around one of the hardest maps on Imo that only level 35+ people could go to. I walked up to one of the monsters there but it did not kill me. Instead,it turned in to THEMAMA, the strongest monster on Imo that only level40+ could kill. It instantly killed me, and I respawned at the village. However, there weren't any Npcs or players there. Only me. Suddenly, Boss monsters started spawning everywhere and I became level 1. The game lagged and when I went inside the app again, all my characters were deleted.
I searched the IMO TWOM Wiki about IMOGHOST and several people said that they had experienced the weird events as well. One of them said that player IMOGHOST said that he was doing this to revenge for his friend, who was bullied and committed suicide,although I had never bullied before. Maybe the username I was using used to be the username of the bully person.
:) This is my very first normal pasta so I know it sucks but please no offensive comments that might hurt my feelings.
''Written by ChaosLordDrakath''